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Many people in the developing world rely on open water sources that have no cover. An unsealed water source means water becomes dirty and contaminated, leading to the spread of disease.

In more flat fertile areas, such as parts of South and East Asia, hand pumps are ideal for villages and households. Surface sources are common, so only a basic pump suffices for poor families trying to meet their water requirements.

Solar Pump 2024 India. Ummah Welfare Trust (UWT)
Hand pump in India

Suction hand pumps, made from cast iron, are cheap, easy to install and maintain. Maintenance is done at the village level without the need for specialist parts. The depths of these pumps can up to 180ft.

‘He who digs a water source, then for every living creature that drinks from it – be it jinn, man or a bird – Allah Most high will reward him on the day of Resurrection.’
[Ibn Hibban]

– A feedback report, in the form of a document, is provided for the construction of every hand pump.
– The construction of a hand pump takes up to 6 months.
– Plaque names of up to 30 characters are allowed on the pump, however ayahs from the Qur’an, Allah’s Names/Attributes or Hadiths are not allowed. The charity does not want these holy words to be desecrated.
– If no name for a water well is given in the ‘notes’ of the donation, Ummah Welfare Trust will keep the plaque ‘anonymous.’

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