It is very difficult for widows to financially support themselves if they have children to look after. This problem is aggravated in countries which do not offer any support to them. By sponsoring a widow and her children, you can ameliorate their difficulties by covering their basic needs.

Abdullah bin Abbaas Radiyallahu ‘anhu said:
‘For me to fulfil the necessities of a Muslim family for a month or for a week or for whatever period of time that Allah pleases, is more beloved to me than performing Hajj after Hajj. Buying a utensil for even a Daaniq (one-sixth of a dirham) and giving it to my brother as a gift for the pleasure of Allah is more beloved to me than spending a Dinaar in the path of Allah.’
[Abu Nu’aym]

widows given hardship support

Mothers given vocational training

Widows given sewing machines
The Islamic ruling is that after the husband, the responsibility of her assistance and maintenance falls on the son, father, and brother(s) respectively. Failing that, the responsibility falls on the community around her. Failing that the responsibility is on the Muslims as a whole.
Zakah, Sadaqah and Lillah can be given for this project.
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