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Fidyah refers to a compensation or expiation that is given in place of performing an obligatory act of worship that cannot be fulfilled due to a valid excuse or inability.

The Fidyah entails feeding one poor person (Miskeen) for each day of fasting missed. This can be done by providing two full meals to a needy person or giving the equivalent amount of food (Sadaqatul Fitr) or its value (Sadaqatul Fitr).

Food supplies for poor family in Pakistan


If a person is unable to fast due to a long-term illness, chronic health condition, or old age, and there is no hope of recovery or making up the missed fasts, they are required to offer Fidyah.

It’s worth noting that the details of Fidyah can vary among different schools, and the guidance of a qualified scholar should be sought for specific situations or questions related to Fidyah.

 Given the varying positions on what one Sa’ constitutes, the charity has determined a weight of 3kg as sufficient to fulfil the criteria set by all the major schools of jurisprudence.

Fidyah are distributed to widows, orphans and the destitute.

Ummah Welfare Trust determines the prices of Fidyah according to the prevailing price of wheat.


to feed one person

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