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Income Generation

Income generating projects allow autonomy and self-sufficiency. They help families secure much needed income with which to buy necessary food and medicines.

Ummah Welfare Trust believes in restoring dignity and self-respect amongst poor Muslims and has striven to provide countless struggling families with a means of generating income.


spent on providing new livelihoods in the past year.

Income Generation 2024 India. Ummah Welfare Trust

It is better that a person should take a rope and bring a bundle of wood on his back to sell so that Allah may preserve his honour, than that he should beg from people (regardless of whether they give to him or refuse him.

Income Generation schemes are a great source of Sadaqah Jariyah for the donor and lead to innumerable rewards. Many beneficiaries continuously send supplications of forgiveness for those who helped them start again.

Ummah Welfare Trust administers new livelihood programmes in different parts of the world. You can give Zakah, Sadaqah and Lillah this project.

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