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Distributing Iftaar Packs in Kassala

Alhamdulillah I have been here in the scorching heat of Kassala since Sunday looking at a number of the projects supported by Ummah Welfare Trust. The weather has eased a little, dropping down from 44 to about 40 degrees. There’s also been a couple of dust storms and very light rain.

It’s not widely known but Sudan is a home to a large number of refugees from neighbouring Eriteria and Ethiopia. Many have been in the Kassala state since the mid 1970’s.

Though Sudan has been quite welcoming to refugees, resources are extremely limited and providing them all with the necessary support has been a major issue. Significant refugee movements in west and south Sudan recently have also diverted resources and the attention of the government and many NGOs.

Alhamdulillah, Ummah Welfare Trust along with local partners have continued to provide food aid to families here, especially during this month of Ramadhan.

Today we oversaw a distribution in a refugee camp that was established 40 years ago. It’s a sprawling mix of mud huts, brick houses and fenced neighbourhoods. The most vulnerable in these camps are the orphans, widows, the old and disabled. Alhamdulillah Ummah Welfare Trust has targeted these groups for its Ramadhan distribution today.