Morocco and Libya Appeal Now Closed
Since the appeal on behalf of disaster victims in Morocco and Libya, Ummah Welfare Trust has been overwhelmed with the amazing generosity of donors for our stricken brothers and sisters.
Alhamdulillah, given the response to the date, and the latest assessments by staff on the ground, Ummah Welfare Trust believes that it has sufficient funds for the foreseeable future to help North Africa’s disaster victims for now.
Consequently, the charity is closing the Morocco and Libya appeal for now.
Ummah Welfare Trust monitors the situation in North Africa closely and assures donors that in the event of more funds being required, it will expend funds from its ‘Most Needy’ project to meet the needs.
As always, donors will be given regular updates about the ongoing response to alleviate the suffering in Morocco and Libya.
Finally, the charity asks donors to continue making du’a for suffering Muslims in this region. Our best efforts aside, a nation’s circumstances can never change except by the will of Allah.