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Uighur Muslims Forgotten

An unfathomable mass atrocity continues against Uighur Muslims in China’s Xinjiang province. In the past year, millions of men, women and children have remained detained in concentration camps, where they are tortured, enslaved and forced to renounce their religion.

Around 100,000 or so Uighur Muslims have managed to flee this genocide to Turkey, where Ummah Welfare Trust continues to help them rebuild their lives.

‘Verily, if people see an oppressor and they do not seize his hand, Allah will soon send punishment upon all of them.’ [Ahmad]

Ummah Welfare Trust will provide Iftaar packs to families in117 countries this year. With your help, hundreds of thousands of Muslims will have enough provisions to complete their fasts in dignity inshaAllah.

Fortunate are those who use this life to invest in their hereafter. With Ramadhan nearly here, let us be from them by being generous to our brothers and sisters this Ramadhan.