Afghanistan Floods Appeal
Hundreds of people have lost their lives in massive flash floods in Afghanistan’s northern Baghlan province. The floods and ensuing mudslides have destroyed everything in their path, submerging countless villages and decimating thousands of mud-brick homes.
Countless acres of farmland have also been swamped, proving hugely devastating in a country where more than three-quarters of the population depend on agriculture for survival.
‘Give chairty even if it be one date; as this will stop the hunger of the hungry of the hungry person and will extinguish sin the way water extinguishes fire.’
[Al Zuhd li lbn Mubarak]
Ummah Welfare Trust has delivered relief in every province of Afghanistan since peace prevailed in 2021. However, the charity now desperately needs your help to get the survivors of these terrible floods back on their feet.
Families who have lost everything desperately need food to aid their recovery. Please donate generously – your Zakat, Sadaqah, and Lillah – to help our calamity-stricken brothers and sisters see better days ahead.